Why are we more skeptical about ‘apparitions’ these days?

Cyrus. A

An apparition is a supernatural appearance of a person or thing, for example: ghosts, phantom or spirit. In the modern times of today’s age, people become more and more skeptical about a lot of things. Some people of society require proof in order to accept something but us Catholics seek apparitions and God; not because we don’t believe in them but because we mean to find heaven on earth. We all know that the greatest apparition is God and a lot of people around the world fear God or don’t believe in him. During the time of Christ and before, people hardly remained skeptical about the existence of God but understand that God is always there and around us.

Personally, I wouldn’t consider us as more ‘skeptical’, but challenged by what we see from the media and other religions. It is not bad to be suspicious about spirits and God because we Catholics are longing for the existence of God therefore we are trying to find him in our lives. These days, we are often affected by the media, saying that apparitions are not real or that God does not exist. We are also distracted or drifted away from our faith thus making our quest for God and apparitions more engaging. Throughout the years after Christ had died there had been several Marian apparitions in churches, shrines and sacred places.


The Virgin Mary appeared to these three children as an apparition at Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal in 1917

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1 Response to Why are we more skeptical about ‘apparitions’ these days?

  1. Bassille says:

    Hey Cyrus, I really liked how you defined the word apparition and how we as a society have become skeptical about it. Keep up the good work. 🙂

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